torsdag, april 17, 2008

... i vilken vår hjältinna tänker på ohusliga djur

När jag var liten (detta var långt före Plupp) hade mina kompisar hamstrar och marsvin. Det tyckte jag var mesigt. Jag ville ha en fjällämmel, och jag smidde planer på att det vore enkelt att fånga sig en, eller varför inte två, när det var lämmeltåg.

Om jag bara hade bott i Norrland, dårå...

Lämlarna var nog i och för sig lika glada.

Plupp, plupp, me lovely ones.

7 kommentarer:

Caligula sa...

Lämlar är med i domedagssekter och begår kollektivt självmord har jag hört. Vet dock inte om det är sant. ;-)

Anonym sa...

Tänkte på dig sååå mkt när jag läste det här mejlet:

MUSLIMS IN EU CITIES: Update on EUMAP monitoring ----------------------------------EU MONITORING AND ADVOCACY PROGRAMOPEN SOCIETY INSTITUTE---------------------------------- In this newsletter: * Update: Monitoring the Situation of "Muslims in EU Cities"* Research Aims* Research under Way Now* Further Information and Contact Info --> Don't like this plain text version? Read the fancy version on--> <-- ************************************* UPDATE: MONITORING THE SITUATION OF "MUSLIMS IN EU CITIES" * What is the situation of Muslims in cities in the EU? Specifically, what are their circumstances in Amsterdam and Rotterdam; Berlin and Hamburg; Leicester and London (Waltham Forest); Paris and Marseilles; and Antwerp, Copenhagen and Stockholm? * How do Muslims feel about their neighbourhood, local area and city? * What are the key concerns, experiences and priorities of Muslims and their neighbours in these different EU cities? * How are specific cities promoting the integration of Muslims? * What are the challenges that affect the integration and social inclusion of Muslims? These are some of the key questions that the monitoring project "Muslims in EU Cities" is seeking to answer. This project is carried out by EUMAP, the EU Monitoring and Advocacy Program of the Open Society Institute, in cooperation with local experts, academics and civil society organizations. Individual city reports, as well as a regional overview, will be released starting from late 2008. Reports will include specific and constructive recommendations addressed to relevant municipalities, national and international governments and bodies, as well as local communities. _____________________________________ RESEARCH AIMS The monitoring seeks to explore the ways in which authorities address the challenges related to integration and social cohesion. It examines how these authorities deal with growing social, political and economic tensions, as well as the extent to which they consider the needs and engagement of Muslims.. The study also aims to identify what shared concerns different groups of residents in the city, Muslims and non-Muslims alike, have in common, both at the neighbourhood and at the city level. It strives to understand both priorities and local level concerns by offering a voice to ordinary residents. For that reason, the project focuses on specific neighbourhoods in the eleven cities which are as follows: Belgium:Antwerp - Neighbourhood to be confirmed Denmark:Copenhagen - Norrebro France:Paris - 18th ArrondissementMarseilles - Neighbourhood to be confirmed Germany:Berlin - KreuzbergHamburg - St Pauli/Bilstedt The Netherlands:Amsterdam - SlotervaartRotterdam - Feijenoord Sweden:Stockholm - Järva Fältet United Kingdom:Leicester - Spinney Hills, Stoneygate and Evington London - Waltham Forrest The research looks at eight areas: - Identity, interactions and belonging;- Education;- Employment;- Housing;- Health and Social Services Provision;- Policing and security;- Citizenship and participation in civil and political life;- Depiction of Muslim communities by the local media _____________________________________ RESEARCH UNDER WAY NOW The "Muslims in EU Cities" monitoring reports will offer a snapshot of the key concerns and priorities of both Muslim and non-Muslim residents of the cities, including a specific focus in each city on one district or neighbourhood in particular. Local teams of researchers are currently gathering primary information through field research. This stage of data collection is to last four months. Each local team consists of a focus group coordinator and a research analyst. Focus group coordinators are presently compiling 200 questionnaires, together with ordinary residents, and setting up a number of focus groups. Research analysts are preparing for a round of interviews with key stakeholders. Following the collection of data from the questionnaires, focus groups and interviews, a series of reports will be prepared, analysing all gathered information. The methodology employed to monitor the situation of Muslims in EU Cities includes: * 100 questionnaire-interviews with ordinary Muslim residents of each city district or neighbourhood that is monitored;* 100 questionnaire-interviews with ordinary non-Muslim residents of the district or neighbourhood that is monitored;* Six focus groups in each city;* Consultations and interviews with key stakeholders, including city officials, community leaders and other civil society actors;* Reviews of relevant research and policy literature;* A report template. Draft monitoring reports will be discussed during round table debates, during which interested stakeholders are invited to critique and comment on the text. Should you be interested in participating in a round table in one of the eleven monitored cities, please contact _____________________________________ FURTHER INFORMATION AND CONTACT INFO The following material is already available online on the EUMAP website: go to -> Background research reports on the situation of Muslims in seven European countries, produced in 2007 in preparation of the Muslims in EU Cities monitoring research. Covering Belgium, Denmark, France, Germany, the Netherlands, and Sweden (UK report available soon). -> EUMAP monitoring reports addressing the situation of Muslims in France, Italy and the UK, produced in 2002 and 2005. -> Methodological information about the 'Muslims in EU Cities' monitoring. -> A list of the project's country reporters and focus group coordinators, as well as the members of the Board of Advisors for the project. -> A brochure describing the project, currently available in Arabic, Danish, Dutch, English, French, German, Swedish and Turkish. -> Recommended resources on issues concerning Muslims in Europe from other bodies and organizations in the online library. If you would like to be updated when new information is available on this project, please send an e-mail to For further information please contact Nazia Hussain, Project Director, at and/or Miriam Anati, Advocacy and Communications, at ************************************ ABOUT EUMAP EUMAP, the EU Monitoring and Advocacy Program of the Open Society Institute, monitors the development of selected human rights and rule of law issues in the European Union, its candidate and potential countries. To find out more about the Program view: presents the monitoring done by EUMAP, both past and present, and provides selected resources, news, and analyses about human rights and the rule of law in Europe. ************************************ Joost van BeekEUMAP Website managerExtra email address - mailinglists

Anonym sa...

fi fan vad fult det blev när formateringen försvann, sorry!!

dyermaker sa...

Intressant, vajlan! Såg att de ska ha en referensgrupp i Sthlm!

Anonym sa...

Eske teske tänka sig!

Pluppböckerna är ju så ljuvliga.

Anonym sa...

Hehehe... två själar samma tanke... jag försökte allt möjligt för att få mina föräldrar att skaffa mej n Lämmel, jag gav dem fakta, skrev upp en på önskelistorna och tjatade *smiles* men.... Jag var iofs redan bortskämd, jag hade massvis med djur då vi bodde på en gård ute på landet men lämmerel nepp.

En annan gång ska jag berätta "historien" om när jag faktisk genom idogt tjatande fick en ELEFANT!!!

dyermaker sa...

Va? En elefant? :D